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I am a Media Studies student from Millom School - this is my blog following my production's working process.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Sir Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock is one of the most influential filmmakers, and one of the most intelligent yet
borderline-insane men of the 20th century. He used many different plot devises such as suspense, and some of his own like the 'McGuffin' where an apparently minor detail serving as a pivot upon which the narrative turns.
Hitchcock was indeed one quirky character, in most of his films he would even do a short cameo appearance, usually doing something quite absurd for his nature; struggling to load a double bass into van, walking dogs in the park.
Hitchcock also liked to include a distinct relationships for main characters, most included a abnormal relationship with their mother; the killer of women from 'Frenzy' has an incredible relationship with his mother and idolises her, Norman Bates has 'issues' with his mother.
'Heroines' from Hitchcock's films seems to have a type of hidden 'animal' or criminal mind, once triggered by certain events, as well as these heroines mostly having blond hair. Hitchcock said himself that 'Blonds make the best victims. They're like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints'.
Like Walt Disney, Alfred Hitchcock's contribution to cinema and television was highly substantial to today's medium, you could easily say his work was revolutionary for this business.

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